Drs Foster, Logan, and Macdonald

Drumchapel Health Centre, 80-90 Kinfauns Drive, Glasgow, G15 7TS

Telephone: 0141 211 6090

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Our news

Drs Foster, Logan, & Macdonald

NEWSLETTER – December 2024 

We wish all of our patients a wonderful Christmas and Happy New year!

Local pharmacy opening times for the festive period

Achamore M&M Healthcare Pharmacy (tel 949 0906):  25/12/24 12pm-3pm and 01/01/25 12pm-3pm (closed 26/12/24 and 02/01/25)

Reach Pharmacy (tel 943 1086): 25/12/24 9am-12pm and 01/01/25 9am-12pm (closed 26/12/24 and 02/01/25)

Please click on the link to find more pharmacy opening times around the festive period Pharmacy Festive hours

Resident doctors and medical students 

We are very pleased to host a new doctor every four months as part of their training (foundation year 2 doctor) and a final year medical student every 4 weeks or so.

Prescribing pharmacists 

Our receptionists may now direct you to one of our local pharmacies, some of whom have pharmacists qualifed to prescribe medications such as antibiotics for throat, chest, and skin infections. This is in addition to the minor ailments scheme that all pharamcies offer.

Zero tolerance

Unfortunately, we have had a number of incidents in the last month or so where our reception and medical staff have received verbal abuse from patients. Most incidents have involved the reception staff requesting more information from patients and or asking patients to contact other services. Please remember, reception staff have been asked to do this by the medical team to allow us to prioritise work and in order for patients to receive the right treatment from the right team. For example, receptionists may ask you to contact other services such as the minor injuries unit.

Appointment line – 0141 347 8850

If you have been referred to a hospital or other service for an outpatient appointment and want to confirm that you are on the wasiting list, please call the appointment line on 0141 347 8850. They will be able to confirm that you are on the waiting list. They may be able to tell you when you can expect to receive notification of an appointment.

Blood tests – 0141 355 1525

If a member of staff asks you to arrange a blood test, please call the phlebotomy hub on 0141 355 1525. They will help you arrange a time for your test and the blood taking team will know which tests are required.

Telephone appointments

If you would prefer to discuss your issue with a GP over the phone, please request this when making an appointment. If you make a telephone appointment, please note that you will receive a call from a generic NHS number (0141 232 4000) used by other NHS services, and which cannot receive calls.

Ordering Prescriptions

Please allow 2 working days for collection of prescriptions. This is to avoid disappointment and or a wasted journey, as your prescription is unlikely to be ready before this.

To order a repeat prescription please phone the prescription line on 0141 211 6169 or 0141 211 6090 and choose option 1. Our phone lines are very busy, and we still have many patients phoning the receptionists for prescriptions. When this happens, we will transfer you to the prescription line to free up the line for other patients who may be calling with urgent problems. We monitor our prescription line every day.

Patient Access

Patients that have access to Mobile apps or internet can register for Patient Access (pick up registration form from surgery) this is an online system that allows you to order repeat prescriptions. It will list all current medications and all you have to do is select which ones you need. You will need to register for this service, but it makes re-ordering medicines much easier.

Pharmacy Minor Ailments Scheme

Our local Pharmacies all take part in the Minor Ailments Scheme.  You will be able to get advice and free treatment from your community pharmacist for minor illnesses and ailments such as: acne, athlete’s foot, back ache, cold sores, constipation, cough, diarrhoea, ear ache, eczema and allergies, haemorrhoids (piles), hay fever, headache, head lice, indigestion, mouth ulcers, nasal congestion, period pain, thrush, sore throat, Threadworms, warts and verrucae.

If your pharmacist feels that it is better for you to see your GP then they may refer you directly or tell you to make an appointment with your GP. Advice on self-help minor illness can also be found on www.patient.co.uk and www.nhs24.com

Your Contact Details

Please let us know if you change your phone number or move house.  It is important that we have your up to date contact details. Every day we have to contact patients with details of blood results, changes to medication or so we can make them a follow-up appointment with a doctor or nurse. When possible we will do this by telephone. However, if your number is not correct we have to post this information to you, and the information may be delayed. Should you be referred to the Hospital, these appointments will be sent to the address that we supply. If this address is wrong there may be a delay in your treatment.

Smear clinics

We will now be offering cervical smear tests for those who need them during specific clinics that will take place each month.

Travelling Abroad

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer travel clinics at this time.